I think, therefore I am.

Introductions never have been my strongest point. It should be something that comes natural, yet I always have to think about it. The best way to do so , is to just jump into it. So, who am I and what do I hope to achieve with this blog.

One of my two precious dogs. In the picture you see Zara, her sister is called Zaza.

In 2010, I graduated high school and was ready to go to college. However certain situations drastically changed those plans and I was forced to look for a job. While it might seem like an easy task, it was still 2 years after the economy took a hit. So there I was, looking for a job with almost no work experience. Just like an age old story, I applied to as much as I could, only to get shoved away with a standard email saying I wasn’t what they were looking for. Sadly this went on for about 4 years.

After those 4 years, I finally got a job and fast forward another 4 years, I’ve bought a home right across my work. Those 4 years off jobhunting did leave me with a feeling I missed out on a part of my life, but slowly but surely everything is falling in the right place.

Now I’m doing this blog for a few reasons. Mainly as a hobby, but also to see if I can help others out with advice or just even an uplifting message from time to time. The future has yet to be written, but when it does, it will be written in a blog.