The title is pretty self explanatory. Obviously this site will contain blogs, but like I said in my previous blog. I have a passion for gaming and I wanted to delve a bit deeper in that. I already mention qucikly I started with the original GameBoy, then moved on to the Playstation. Later on I saved up for an Xbox too. Playing videogames has taken a bit of a backseat the last few years, but recently I started streaming on Twitch. I’m still a beginner, so don’t expect too much of it yet. However, the audio from my microphone is decent and the stream itself is stable too, so I couldn’t ask for anything more at this point. Streams will also be uploaded to my Youtube account in more manageable bits, for those who can’t load a 3 hour stream.
As you can tell, I’m trying to build an online following. To bring people together and have a good time.
If you are interested in it, check out the links below: